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Category: Healthcare Law

A Successful Contract Negotiation

March, 2022 Healthcare Law

Avoid Contract Review Pitfalls by Hiring a Healthcare Law Attorney As a lawyer well-versed in the law as it applies to contracts for medical residents and practicing physicians, there are a number of things I take into...

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Negotiating Your Post Residency Contract

March, 2021 Healthcare Law

Retaining a Healthcare Attorney A resident physician retained me to review and assist him in the negotiation of his post residency contract with an academic healthcare system. He thought this would be a straight-forward and...

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Beating a Medical Staff Disciplinary Action

July, 2020 Healthcare Law

I recently represented a physician in a noteworthy peer review case at an academic medical center. A complaint was initiated by the president of the medical staff against a surgeon, who would later become my client. The...

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